Family Tree

Starting from the research, documentation and travel of Carl F. Pitura, along with the contributions of so many family members near and far, our Pitura / Petura Family Tree has grown to include over 450 descendants and members. Of particular interest are those families from Galicia who came to Manitoba, Canada. We have been documenting 7 branches, starting with the following ancestors:
1) Albert Pitura
2) Kazymir Pitura
3) John Petura
4) Michael Pitura
5) Pyotor Petura
6) John Pitura
7) Joseph Petura

Are you related? Where do you fit in the tree? See for yourself!

To view the Pitura / Petura Family Tree on
- Email Alison to request (if you have not already received an email with instructions).
- You will then receive a direct invite with instructions including how to register for an FREE Guest Account. You do NOT have to have a paid subscription.
- You can then view the Pitura / Petura Family Tree along with all photos, stories, comments, and documents that have been attached.
- Please note that the Pitura / Petura Family Tree is a private tree.